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Essay on democracy is the best form of government

Indira Gandhi rightly said – “Democracy is the best form of government, but it is certainly the most difficult” 5 Democracy Democracy is that form of government in which the ruling power of a state is legally vested not in any particular class or classes, but the entire citizens. Democratic nations allow citizens to criticize leaders, their policies and laws Democracy is best defined essay on democracy is the best form of government as the government of the people, by the people. Generally most of country practiced democracy from past to present. There are many government types in the world because people try to have the best type. Democracy provides liberties and rights to citizenships with votingand society can predestinate freely Democracy empowers the people and allows them to participate in decision-making, which is why it is the best form of government. The ideal of democracy is that of equality, freedom and welfare for all. Indira Gandhi rightly said – “Democracy is the best form of government, but it is certainly the most difficult” 5 Democratic governments are the best form of governments because they allow citizens of a nation to carry out their civic duty of voting which is also their human right. The classical example of democracy is that of ancient Athens, where the whole populace would meet in the marketplace to vote on decisions. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government ‚ except all the others have been tried According to Lord James Bryce, this capacity consists in “intelligence, self-control and conscience. They enjoy certain rights which are very essential for any human being to live freely and happily. Within a democracy, the method of decision-making, and the demarcation of citizens vary among countries In today’s world, democracy is the best form as a government. Democracy empowers the people and allows them to participate in decision-making, which is why it is the best form of government. Below are some reasons that support the notion that Democracy is the best form of government 1. The idea was to have a government by the people Democracy is indeed a difficult government, because it presupposes civic capacity on the part of the citizens. Democracy is one of the most successful and popular forms of government in the world. It has sparked debate and discussion since its first inception in ancient Greece, right through to its modern conception of ‘western liberal democracy’. The government is divided into three independent branches: the executive, legislative, and judiciary Democracy is indeed a difficult government, because it presupposes civic capacity on the part of the dissertation expose gliederung citizens. Besides power, democracy also allows the freedom of speech and that allows a nation to improve and progress. Government is necessary in a state to enforce laws and take over the economic and political care over it. ”The answers have ranged from the rule of the one‚ to the rule of the few‚ to the rule of the many. The Republic of Chile is a representative democracy with a presidential republic type of government. In a democracy, there is no centralized power that can dictate what the people can and can’t do.. Democracy simply means freedom; in a democratic government a citizen has freedom to elect a representative (vote), freedom of speech, freedom of rights, and many more. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others have been tried Democracy was always thought of as the best form of government that can lead a community of people. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others have been tried In Conclusion, democracy is the best system of government by a wide margin, it clears any metric of a nation's excellence when compared to countries utilizing an alternative system.

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On the other hand, dictatorship takes away all those rights and liberty. This is best exemplify when Nathan Glazer, in the article Democracy and Deep Divides, states, “Not every democracy will succeed in dealing with its deep divides Democracy is definitely debatably, the foremost challenging kind of governance intended for both, politicians and the people. Not everyone likes the results of every election. Furthermore, power is in the hand assimilation essay of a single person. Though democracy is often described as the government chosen by the people, there are cases where a country’s decision to modify from a great authoritarian regime to a democratic one has been forced upon by foreign interventions 479 words | 1 Page. Within a democracy, the method of decision-making, and the demarcation of citizens vary among countries DEMOCRACY AS THE BEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT Introduction A government is the system which has a control over the people or a state. Its definition by Nyerere is that “democracy is government by discussion as opposed to government by force” (Nyerere 169). Democratic nations allow citizens to criticize leaders, their policies and laws WHY DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT? Today, it has become the predominant form of government around the world, and, indeed, countries go to war to defend the values and principles. “Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy. Democracy was always thought of as the best form of government that can lead a community of people. This often encompasses either direct or indirect involvement in lawmaking Democracy empowers the people and allows them to participate in decision-making, which is why it is the best form of government. Under such a system, legislative decisions are made by the people themselves or by representatives who act through the consent of the people, as enforced by elections and the rule of law.. Though democracy is not perfect, a major flaw of the democratic system is the prevalence of a two-party system in major democratic nations such as the US, Australia. Democratic nations allow citizens to criticize leaders, their policies and laws There are many government types in the world because people try to have the best type. Democracy provides liberties and rights to citizenships with votingand society can predestinate freely Democracy is a form of government in which the final authority to deliberate and decide the legislation for the country lies with the people, either directly or through representatives. The first reason that democracy is superior to other forms of government is because of the autonomy that it provides its citizens Why Democracy is the Best Form of Government Essay 1172 Words | 5 Pages. Democracy is a form of government under which the power to alter the laws and structures of government lies, ultimately, with the citizenry. Unlike in authoritarian and monarchy governments where the flow of power is downwards that is from the leaders to the people, in democratic governments, power usually flows upwards from the people to the leaders (Upson 170) Democracy is a strong and emotive concept. In a democratic government all the citizens have equal access to power Democracy is known as the finest form of government. This, as argued throughout, gives democracy a greater claim to legitimacy than any feasible alternative to date, marking it as the best form of political system. The 20th century was marked by an expansion in representative democracy. Nevertheless, these oppositions, inherited from Greek philosophy,[2] are now ambiguous because contemporary governments have mixed democratic, oligarchic, and monarchic elements Democracy was always thought of as the best form of government that can lead a community of people. Have been in tact so civilizations remained structured and cohesive. Citizens elect government officials and representatives every four years. Power Decentralization: Historically, concentrating too much power in the hands of a single person has had disastrous consequences. In conclusion, the Democratic form of government is enjoyed by the people and it gives a great deal of liberty to people and the power is in the hand of masses. Democracy provides liberties and rights to citizenships with voting and society can. In a democracy, there is no centralized power that can dictate what the people can and can’t do This essay on democracy is the best form of government indeed makes democratic government systems the best form of governments because of the consideration they have on people. Athens, Greece operated under a democratic system in the 5th century BC, and other Greek cities and towns did the same. Below are some reasons that support the notion that Democracy is the best form of government. Basically, it’s a government by the people in which the citizens have the opportunity to change the government at any. Indira Gandhi rightly said – “Democracy is the best form of government, but it is certainly the most difficult” 5.. Because in a democracy, the people of the country choose their government. Works Cited Catt, Helena Democracy is a form of government in which the final authority to deliberate and decide the legislation for the country lies with the people, either directly or through representatives. Democracy is the best form of government. Conclusion This essay has argued that there is no better political system than democracy, with specific reference to anarchism, autocracy, authoritarianism, and monarchy “Who should rule‚ and what is the best system of government?

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There are various democratic countries in the world, but India is the largest one Democracy may have become a popular way for countries to govern themselves during the 20th century, but the ideas of democracy were born in Greece. The founding fathers understood that democracy essay on democracy is the best form of government is simply another form of tyranny. Basically, it’s a government by the people in which the citizens have the opportunity to change the governmentat any time Democracy is defined as the people being the rulers, i. Democracies and democratic forms of government perform a better job of administrating and managing diversity. According to Lord James Bryce, this capacity consists in “intelligence, self-control and conscience. Still, there have been some disadvantages to democracy like corruption, racism Democracy is best defined as the government of the people‚ by the people. Democratic governments are the best form of governments because they allow citizens of a nation to carry out their civic duty of voting which is also their human right. Indira Gandhi rightly said – “Democracy is the best form of government, but it is certainly the most difficult”. Democracy was born in Athens, Greece in 5th century BC. Spirit of Tolerance: Democracy is a government of the majority This indeed makes democratic government systems the best form of governments because of the consideration they have on people. Although there have been hiccups from the ancient times to modern day, one type of government, democracy, has proven to be the most effective and. Democracy allows for the liberty and freedom of its population essay on democracy is the best form of government while maintaining high stability and representation and for this reason, I believe democracy is the superior form of government. As humanity advanced, governments obligingly followed. Ancient democracy was based on the direct participation of the Save Paper 2 Page 499 Words. In Conclusion, democracy is the best system of government by a wide margin, it clears any metric of a nation's excellence when compared to countries utilizing an alternative system. The main function of each and every government is to remain do my term paper in power and to bring legitimacy among the people A democratic government contrasts to forms of government where power is either held by one, as in a monarchy, or where power is held by a small number of individuals, as in an oligarchy. Karl Marx, the founder of the Communism, believed that equality is key to a strong governmental system Democracy is definitely debatably, the foremost challenging kind of governance intended for both, politicians and the people. Democracy is defined as the people being the rulers, i. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others have been tried DEMOCRACY AS THE BEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT Introduction A government is the system which has a control over the people or a state. Until so far some of government types were tried. In a democracy, development happens to fulfill the need of. You go through your ups and downs Why Democracy is the Best Form of Government Essay 1172 Words | 5 Pages. In this, citizens participate fully in the governance of their nation as well as being informed essay on democracy is the best form of government of the national public issues. Yes because Freedom Democratic states nearly always have freer people than autocratic states. This topic has long been the center of argument and has even started a few wars‚ such as the war of American Independence and the French Revolution Below are some reasons that support the notion that Democracy is the best form of government 1. The majority decides everything.

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