Should rich countries help poor countries essay
People have no idea how lucky they are to be able to live in a rich country Rich countries should help poorer countries With the development of technology and business, the world become smaller and smaller. However, this money can be spend for development of under developed and developing countries. 5 essay sample Manjusha Nambiar Hi, I'm Manjusha Maxim IELTS Essay #3 Rich & poor countries Rich countries should help the poor countries to develop their infrastructura and should forgive their debts. Some say that the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations should rich countries help poor countries essay in such areas. For example , European countries always help African countries. There are many reasons for helping poor countries IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor in IELTS Essay Samples of Band 8 Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas 1) Rich countries should help the poor countries to develop their infrastructure. The poor, in general, are unhappy with their own lives Based on humanitarian views these rich countries have a duty towards all the people of the world and hence they should help the poor countries. Their governments lack financial means to improve their living Maxim IELTS Essay #3 Rich & poor countries Rich countries should help the poor countries to develop their infrastructura and should forgive their debts. Nowadays we can see a huge difference between countries with well-developed economics and countries wich have some problems with it.. Receiving a hand to escape from poverty and illiteracy, gradually turns the poor country to increasing the level in the world Maxim IELTS Essay #3 Rich & poor countries Rich countries should help the poor countries to develop their infrastructura and should forgive their debts. Thus their treatment should be similar Rich countries should help poorer countries With the development of technology and business, the world become smaller and smaller. Clinton, as described by Associated Press, pointed out that “The people in Africa are no different from people in America”. In my opinion, the aid of wealthy countries is imperative to fight poverty in developing nations Rich countries should help poorer countries With the development of technology and business, the world become smaller and smaller. The rich whom seek to become richer are the main reason the gap between the rich and the poor is widening With the amplifying impacts of COVID 19, this essay will provide an abstract on how and why we should. Transportation This essay will look should rich countries help poor countries essay at the arguments for and against helping poor countries. A major factor in determining a country's success is its government's competency in meeting the needs of the people. Clinton, as described by Associated Press, pointed out. But by financial help and feeding them, poor nations become accustomed to wealthy countries and more lazy to improve their situation. These people in poor countries need help, and many rich countries can give a hand to the poor countries for two reasons Financial support by rich countries allows rise economy in poor nations. For instance, financial aid and loans from rich countries helps the poor countries to establish infrastructure construction for their nations. Moreover, they should always embrace students in their countries by providing them higher education and liberalizing visa. Proponents think that rich countries should help the poor countries because loaning money to developing countries aids can helping them improvement the situation from poverty and disease. Secondly, if these poor countries are not helped financially it is possible that terrorism starts rooting out from these countries Third, rich countries should not pardon developing countries’ debt as it would encourage them to become indebted again with the hope of getting another pardon. These people in poor countries need help, and many rich countries can give a hand to the poor countries for two reasons Rich nations have excess funds. By providing aid for different purposes. On the other hand, there are many various aspects against this argument. The responsibility of richer countries help the poor countries should more than they did it before, it can be throught in health, education,economy and policy. Those who are rich want more money whereas those who are poor merely need more money. The governments of richer countries can help to poorer nations in the areas of health, education, trade etc. This essay will look should rich countries help poor countries essay at the arguments for and against helping poor countries. According to Davis (2006), the increase of the slums is fully unnoticed by the classic Marxism and other liberation theories such as neo. Secondly, if these poor countries are not helped financially it is possible that terrorism starts rooting out from these countries Yes i do agree with you that rich countries should help poor countries. One of the strongest reason for people who against the rich countries should help the poor countries is the aid doesn't work Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. The people living in poverty could be saved because they can spend money on food and clothes which are the necessities for being alive. Trade has increased and the movement of people between countries is greater than ever before. It's part of their duty to help those in need. Submitted by JOHN JEYARAJ on Mon, 09/03/2018 - 07:33 While, others thinking that who are all affecting catasphare those countries, we will discuss this matter before any conclusion can be drawn , helping each other is a way to reduce the gap and can become one. At first, sending poor countries food and cash can help them to survive for a longer time. This essay will look at the arguments for and against helping poor countries.